The slant on YA books

Tag Archives: Sarah Dessen


Welcome to Day 8 of the 16 Blogging Days of Winter Challenge. Today is all about finding objects that represent books. I have two to share with you today, but feel free to comment with any of your own ideas. 

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I think sunglasses really represent My Life Next Door because it is certainly a summer read. Reading that book always make me feel like I am relaxing out on a sunny beach, no matter where I am when I’m reading it. For This Lullaby, the iPod really represents the book because music plays a huge role in the characters’ daily lives. 

What do you think of my representations? What are some other objects you think represent books? Let me know!


Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where book bloggers share their weekly book haul.

I have three books to share this week and they all have some lovely covers. Just click on the images to be directed to the Goodreads page.


 The Vow by Jessica Martinez was surprisingly fantastic. Despite it’s fluffy looking cover, the book has surprising depth and a really strong friendship.

I just bought Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano because it is on sale for e-readers. There are some fantastic e-book sales going on now over at Epic Reads, but most of them end today. 

I have set The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen aside for now because I haven’t connected with any of the characters even after one hundred pages. 

What books did you get this week? Have you read any of the ones I got this week?





As promised, here is another recap of the Austin Teen Book Festival full of authors, signings, light sabers, and more!

Right before lunch, Fierce Reads faced off against Dark Days, and yes, there were light sabers, but they only made a brief appearance (sorry to trick you). They played fun party games to try and earn the most points for their team. My favorite game had to be when one author described an image to a fellow author who had their back turned from the screen. Team Dark Days was winning by a long shot, and their victory was sealed when Mindy McGinnis correctly guessed Nathan Fillion. (There was a lot of screaming and exclamation points.)

Next up was the Powers Strange and Perilous panel with so many authors I couldn’t wait to meet like Maggie Stiefvater, Lisa McMann, Robin LaFevers, and Melissa de la Cruz. This whole panel was all about characters having powers, and what responsibility they had because of their abilities. Each author had brilliant insight and wonderful stories to tell. 

While this whole panel was hilarious, none were funnier than Cinda Williams Chima and Maggie Stiefvater.

While this whole panel was hilarious, none were funnier than Cinda Williams Chima and Maggie Stiefvater.


I then scampered off to the Fierce Reads panel because I was quite excited to hear Marissa Meyer speak. These ladies offered some invaluable writing advice, and also talked about what made their books fierce. S. A. Bodeen told a riveting tale about dinosaurs eating other baby dinosaurs and Leila Sales handed out a mixtape. Marissa Meyer made everyone all excited because she talked a little about Cress, the next installment in the Lunar Chronicles.

Sarah Farizan

I Made You A Mixtape was next on my list. Featured were different contemporary authors including the likes of Sarah Dessen and Lauren Myracle. Each author shared about the difficulties it took to write their stories, but ultimately it was the story they needed to tell. Sara Farizan, author of If You Could be Mine, really opened up and moved the audience to tears. She lightened the situation though with her dry sense of humor. It was also lovely to hear Trish Doller and the upcoming author Julie Murphy speak, as well as Leila Howland.

Holly Black

Closing speaker Holly Black concluded the festival with tales of her teenage self, and shared some terrible vampire poetry she had written when she was younger. (Confession: I did not hear much of the speech because I was already in line to get some books signed.)

Julie Murphy was hosting a scavenger hunt to snag a copy of her upcoming novel, Side Effects May Vary. Luckily, I was one of six to win! The premise is intriguing, and I think I will like it a lot.

From then on, I went from line to line getting my books signed left and right. There are far too many authors to talk about them all, so I will just leave you with some pictures!





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